Chapter 1: The Birth of Modern Physics
1.1  Classical Physics of the 1890s
1.2 The Kinetic Theory of Gases
1.3 Waves and Particles
1.4 Conservation Laws and Fundamental Forces
Fundamental Forces
1.5 The Atomic Theory of Matter
1.6 Unresolved Questions of 1895 and New Horizons
On the Horizon
Chapter 2: Special Theory of Relativity
2.1 The Need for Ether
2.2 The Michelson-Morley Experiment
2.3 Einstein's Postulates
2.4 The Lorentz Transformation
2.5 Time Dilation and Length Contraction
Time Dilation
Length Contraction
2.6 Addition of Velocities
2.7 Experimental Verification
Muon Decay
Atomic Clock Measurement
Velocity Addition
Testing Lorentz Symmetry
2.8 Twin Paradox
2.9 Spacetime
2.10 Doppler Effect
Special Topic: Applications of the Doppler Effect
2.11 Relativistic Momentum
2.12 Relativistic Energy
Total Energy and Rest Energy
Equivalence of Mass and Energy
Relationship of Energy and Momentum
Massless Particles
2.13 Computations in Modern Physics
Binding Energy
2.14 Electromagnetism and Relativity
Chapter 3: The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory
3.1  Discovery of the X-Ray and the Electron
3.2 Determination of Electron Charge
3.3 Line Spectra
Special Topic: The Discovery of Helium
3.4 Quantization
3.5 Blackbody Radiation
3.6 Photoelectric Effect
Experimental Results of Photoelectric Effect
Classical Interpretation
Einstein's Theory
Quantum Interpretation
3.7 X-Ray Production
3.8 Compton Effect
3.9 Pair Production and Annihilation
Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom
4.1  The Atomic Models of Thomson and Rutherford
4.2 Rutherford Scattering
Special Topic: Lord Rutherford of Nelson
4.3 The Classical Atomic Model
4.4 The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
The Correspondence Principle
4.5 Successes and Failures of the Bohr Model
Reduced Mass Correction
Other Limitations
4.6 Characteristic X-Ray Spectra and Atomic Number
4.7 Atomic Excitation by Electrons
Chapter 5: Wave Properties of Matter and Quantum Mechanics I
5.1  X-Ray Scattering
5.2 De Broglie Waves
Special Topic: Cavendish Laboratory
Bohr's Quantization Condition
5.3 Electron Scattering
5.4 Wave Motion
5.5 Waves or Particles?
5.6 Uncertainty Principle
5.7 Probability, Wave Functions, and the Copenhagen Interpretation
The Copenhagen Interpretation
5.8 Particle in a Box
Chapter 6: Quantum Mechanics II
6.1  The Schrödinger Wave Equation
Normalization and Probability
Properties of Valid Wave Functions
Time-Independent Schrödinger Wave Equation
6.2 Expectation Values
6.3 Infinite Square-Well Potential
6.4 Finite Square-Well Potential
6.5 Three-Dimensional Infinite-Potential Well
6.6 Simple Harmonic Oscillator
6.7 Barriers and Tunneling
Potential Barrier with E > V0
Potential Barrier with E < V0
Potential Well
Alpha-Particle Decay
Special Topic: Scanning Probe Microscopes
Chapter 7: The Hydrogen Atom
7.1  Application of the Schrödinger Equation to the Hydrogen Atom
7.2 Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Hydrogen
Separation of Variables
Solution of the Radial Equation
Solution of the Angular and Azimuthal Equations
7.3 Quantum Numbers
Principal Quantum Number n
Orbital Angular Momentum Number l
Magnetic Quantum Number ml
7.4 Magnetic Effects on Atomic Spectra -- The Normal Zeeman Effect
7.5 Intrinsic Spin
Special Topic: Hydrogen and the 21-cm Line Transition
7.6 Energy Levels and Electron Probabilities
Selection Rules
Probability Distribution Functions
Chapter 8: Atomic Physics
8.1  Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Inert Gases
Alkaline Earths
Transition Metals
Special Topic: Rydberg Atoms
8.2 Total Angular Momentum
Single-Electron Atoms
Many Electron Atoms
LS Coupling
jj Coupling
8.3 Anomalous Zeeman Effect
Chapter 9: Statistical Physics
9.1  Historical Overview
9.2 Maxwell Velocity Distribution
9.3 Equipartition Theorem
9.4 Maxwell Speed Distribution
9.5 Classical and Quantum Statistics
Classical Distributions
Quantum Distributions
9.6 Fermi-Dirac Statistics
Introduction to Fermi-Dirac Theory
Classical Theory of Electrical Conduction
Quantum Theory of Electrical Conduction
9.7 Bose-Einstein Statistics
Blackbody Radiation
Liquid Helium
Special Topic: Superfluid 3He
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Gases
Chapter 10: Molecules and Solids
10.1 Molecular Bonding and Spectra
Molecular Bonds
Rotational States
Vibrational States
Vibration and Rotation Combined
10.2 Stimulated Emission and Lasers
Scientific Applications of Lasers
Quantum Entanglement, Teleportation, and Information
Other Laser Applications
10.3 Structural Properties of Solids
10.4 Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Solids
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Conductivity
Magnetic Properties
Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism
10.5 Superconductivity
The Search for a Higher Tc
Special Topic: Low-Temperature Methods
Superconducting Fullerenes
10.6 Applications of Superconductivity
Josephson Junctions
Generation and Transmission of Electricity
Other Scientific and Medical Applications
Chapter 11: Semiconductor Theory and Devices
11.1 Band Theory of Solids
Kronig-Penney Model
Band Theory and Conductivity
11.2 Semiconductor Theory
Special Topic: The Quantum Hall Effect
Thermoelectric Effect
11.3 Semiconductor Devices
Bridge Rectifiers
Zener Diodes
Light-Emitting Diodes
Photovoltaic Cells
Field Effect Transistors
Schottky Barriers
Semiconductor Lasers
Integrated Circuits
11.4 Nanotechnology
Carbon Nanotubes
Nanoscale Electronics
Nanotechnology and the Life Sciences
Information Science
Chapter 12: The Atomic Nucleus
12.1 Discovery of the Neutron
12.2 Nuclear Properties
Sizes and Shapes of Nuclei
Intrinsic Spin
Intrinsic Magnetic Moment
12.3 The Deuteron
12.4 Nuclear Forces
12.5 Nuclear Stability
Nuclear Models
12.6 Radioactive Decay
12.7 Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Decay
Alpha Decay
Beta Decay
Special Topic: Neutrino Detection
Gamma Decay
12.8 Radioactive Nuclides
Time Dating Using Lead Isotopes
Radioactive Carbon Dating
Special Topic: The Formation and Age of the Earth
Chapter 13: Nuclear Interactions and Applications
13.1 Nuclear Reactions
Cross Sections
13.2 Reaction Kinematics
13.3 Reaction Mechanisms
The Compound Nucleus
Direct Reactions
13.4 Fission
Induced Fission
Thermal Neutron Fission
Chain Reactions
13.5 Fission Reactors
Nuclear Reactor Problems
Breeder Reactors
Special Topic: Early Fission Reactors
13.6 Fusion
Formation of Elements
Nuclear Fusion on Earth
Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions
13.7 Special Applications
Crime Detection
Mining and Oil
Small Power Systems
Special Topic: The Search for New Elements
New Elements
Chapter 14: Elementary Particles
14.1 Early Discoveries
The Positron
Yukawa's Meson
14.2 The Fundamental Interactions
14.3 Classification of Elementary Particles
Particles and Lifetimes
14.4 Conservation Laws and Symmetries
Baryon Conservation
Lepton Conservation
14.5 Quarks
Quark Description of Particles
14.6 The Families of Matter
14.7 Beyond the Standard Model
Neutrino Oscillations
Grand Unifying Theories
14.8 Accelerators
Special Topic: Experimental Ingenuity
Linear Accelerators
Fixed-Target Accelerators
Chapter 15: General Relativity
15.1 Tenets of General Relativity
Principle of Equivalence
Spacetime Curvature
15.2 Tests of General Relativity
Bending of Light
Gravitational Redshift
Perihelion Shift of Mercury
Light Retardation
15.3 Gravitational Waves
15.4 Black Holes
15.5 Frame Dragging
Special Topic: Gravity Probe B
Chapter 16: Cosmology -- The Beginning and the End
16.1 Evidence of the Big Bang
Hubble's Measurements
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
16.2 The Big Bang
16.3 Stellar Evolution
The Ultimate Fate of Stars
Special Topic: Planck's Time, Length, and Mass
16.4 Astronomical Objects
Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars
Gamma Ray Astrophysics
Novae and Supernovae
16.5 Problems with the Big Bang
The Inflationary Universe
The Lingering Problems
16.6 The Age of the Universe
Age of Chemical Elements
Age of Astronomical Elements
Cosmological Determinations
Universe Age Conclusion
16.7 The Future
The Demise of the Sun
Where Is the Missing Mass?
Speical Topic: Future of Space Telescopes
The Future of the Universe
Are Other Earths Out There?
Appendix 1: Fundamental Constants
Appendix 2: Conversion Factors
Appendix 3: Mathematical Relations
Appendix 4: Periodic Table of the Elements
Appendix 5: Mean Values and Distributions
Appendix 6: Probability Integrals

Appendix 7: Integrals of the Type

Appendix 8: Atomic Mass Table
Appendix 9: Nobel Laureates in Physics
Answers to Selected Odd-Numbered Problems