
We use the UVa Internet system Collab in this course for providing information for the PHYS 2620/6330 modern physics class. Collab is accessed at You should use your regular UVa email username and password to log in. If you have more than one course, you will choose the appropriate number for the modern physics course. We have combined 2620 and 6330 into one site on Collab. Once inside you can choose different topics. For example, all the emails that I send to you will be archived under Email Archive. The most useful sections will be Discussions and Private Messages. This is the place you can post comments and ask questions. I expect the most popular location will be under Homework Questions. Notice that I have posted forums for each chapter under Homework Questions. If you click on Chapter 2, you will see Topics for each of the homework questions. I believe in some other cases like this, they are called Threads. Here is where you ask questions about homework or anything else. I placed a Topic called General Questions for you to ask specific questions about the material in the text.

Questions concerning academic parts of the course should be posted on Collab. Personal questions, for example asking for extensions, should be sent to Professor Thornton directly at All questions that Professor Thornton believes are not personal will be sent back to you with instructions to post them on Collab. Students are encouraged to answer each other's questions, and I am generally very pleased by how well that works. I don't want students telling other students how to work HW problems, but hints are good. If after a period of 12-24 hours, no students have answered a question pertaining to physics understanding, Professor Thornton or a teaching assistant will normally answer it. Sometimes we will do it much sooner. Students may look at all past questions by looking at Collab