
Following your study of this chapter, you should be able to:
  • explain why transitions between quantum states must usually be described in probabilistic terms
  • aproximate the force felt by one atom in the vicinity of another
  • identify bound states, equilibrium separation and binding energy on a net potential energy curve
  • define ionic and covalent bond and give examples of each
  • calculate the allowed rotational and vibrational energy levels, Erot and Ervibr respectively
  • estimate the effective force constant from a given spacing between vibrational energy levels
  • calculate the total energy of a vibration-rotation system
  • find the energy released by a photon during a vibrational transition
  • discuss what causes band structure
  • explain the what is meant by Raman scattering and why Raman spectroscopy is useful
  • compare and contrast spontaneous and stimulated emission
  • understand the basic mechanisms involved in the production of a laser, including the applications of three- and four-level systems
  • be familiar with some of the many scientific applications of lasers
  • know qualitatively and quantitatively why atoms of a solid arrange themselves in a particular lattice structure
  • write down the attractive and repulsive potential on each ion and know what causes each
  • show that the mean separation between atoms in a solid is nearly proportional to temperatue in the classical limit
  • compare thermal and electrical conductivities to obtain the Wiedemann-Franz law
  • make corrections to find quantum mechanical result of the Lorenz number
  • calculate magnetic susceptibility
  • talk about the difference between ferromagnets, paramagnets and diamagnets and their relative values of magnetic susceptibility
  • understand the relationship known as the Curie law, and at what range of B it applies
  • state the two distinctive macroscopic features of a superconductor
  • explain what is know as the "Meissner effect"
  • talk about the similarities and differences between type I and type II superconductors
  • site the important features of the BCS theory and some observed phenomena it successfully predicted
  • know why if you have found one new superconductor, then you have probably found several
  • have a basic understanding of Josephson junctions and other applications of superconductor