
Following your study of this chapter, you should be able to:
  • articulate the principle of Galilean invariance
  • define a "transformation"
  • write down the Galilean transformations for two inertial systems
  • explain the motivation behind and results of the Michelson-Morley experiment
  • know Einstein's postulates: the Priciple Relativity and the constancy of the speed of light
  • discuss the concept of simultaneity
  • explain what a Lorentz transformation was trying to accomplish
  • know the mathematical form of the Lorentz transformations
  • explain in your own words what is meant by "proper time" and "proper length"
  • state the mathematical equations for time dilation and length contraction
  • calculate relativistic time dilations and length contractions
  • calculate relativistic velocity addition
  • cite some experimental verification of time dilation
  • follow the twin paradox analysis in the text
  • interpret Minkowski spacetime diagrams
  • state the difference between lightlike, spacelike and timelike intervals with reference to Delta s2
  • calculate relativistic Doppler shifts
  • discuss relativisitic momentum and why the concept is necessary
  • understand relativistic kinetic energy and how to use kinetic energy or momentum to express motion
  • state the conservation of mass-energy
  • write down the mathematical formula for the momentum-energy relation